Sunday, January 22, 2012

Charity Water


The Story summurized:
There are lots of people in need for clean water. The Charity:Water orginization and theory11 produced this deck to make money to give people clean water. 100% of the proceedings will be used to get clean water.

Very good story. There really are people in the need of water. This story gives buyers lots of incentive to donate money and recieve a free deck along with it. Win win for everybody.

The Box:
Matte black with some ough texture to it. Very simple. I like it.

The extra cards and Ace of Spades:
Cards come with some cool informative trivia about water with pics of poor people holding nasty water. Yucks. I'm glad I donated money to the needy! The photo of the AoS is hard to see. It's really eleganty simple though. Take my word for it!

The Backs:
The backs have a good sized border. The back consists of lots of water canteens. Very simple, yet neat at the same time. The simplicity makes me give this back a 4/5. They were aiming for this look and they succeeded!

Handling and Finish:
They have a very smooth texture to it. Very smooth I must repeat. Stock is also unusually stiff as well. Faros are better than standard bikes. The fanning can get gappy because of the smooth feel.
It's a good decent deck all around. I reccomend it especially for th good cause this deck is trying to alleviate.


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